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Large gif does not appear in the gallery
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Endoplasmic Reticulum
  2. Scroll down to the crazy big gif referenced here: T131351
  3. Tap on the gif

Expected results

Gallery opens with the gif displayed

Actual results

Gallery opens on the first image, and gif is not in the gallery

Environments observed

App version: 5.0.3 Beta
OS versions: 9.3/9.3.1
Device model: Simulator / 6s+
Device language: English

This appears to have to do with the time it takes to render the large image. Investigation should start there.

Event Timeline

JMinor moved this task from Needs Triage to Bug Backlog on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.
JMinor renamed this task from Some images do to appear in the gallery consistency to Large gif does not appear in the gallery .May 9 2016, 11:25 PM
JMinor lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.
JMinor subscribed.

Recreated on 5C with 5.0.4 851.1

Fixed in latest version (5.4)

JoeWalsh claimed this task.