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PDF Rendering in Wikipedia Missing important portion
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Recently I downloaded a PDF copy of the article Electrical connector, from Wikipedia's PDF Rendering Option[[|Download as PDF]] and it struck my eyes that an image present in the main article Electrical connector#Keying the 3 images of examples for keyed connectors , are absent in the PDF output.

Though it is important part at the interior-portion of article. (I didn't checked, is there any text-portion missing. But I well-checked the 3 images are no-where in the PDF) .

I repeatedly downloaded >1 times, and every time the exactly-same, error-containing output obtained.

I've attached the PDF file here ...

Now, I logically assume , this-kind of error can taking place every now-and then.

So please diagnose the error. It was a single Wiki page. But the same could occur in a Wikibook.

if in 1 page there could occur 1 mistake, in a printed-book, >1 mistake can occur.

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Krenair subscribed.

I think those are all inside tables which the PDF generator skips

Krenair informed me , that , probably the PDF Renderer skips table. My complaint is closed also, since it is duplicate of T73808: Support tables in PDF rendering (tracking). Well.

But please inform me the solutions . Because I'm Not an expert. so from that diagnosis, i couldn't found the solution. If there is no solution present, on wiki, please also inform me that, & take steps.

if I want to make a Wikibook (now I'm making one) , how could I avoid these situations? Is there any settings or options for that? (Because something missing from the article's interior is a damage of the article & the book).

and also inform me, what to do in case single chapter download/ printout?


@ Krenair
thanks for merge the complaint with another existing complaint.

But please inform me the solutions . Because I'm Not an expert. so from that diagnosis, i couldn't found the solution. If there is no solution present, on wiki, please also inform me that, & take steps.

I don't think there is a solution to have tables in PDFs at the moment.