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python-designateclient package version does not match between labtestweb2001 and silver
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labtestweb2001 is 1.5.0-1~cloud0
silver is 1.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0

krenair@silver:~$ ./makedomain 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./makedomain", line 30, in <module>
    from designateclient.v2 import client
ImportError: No module named v2

(makedomain comes from modules/openstack/files/liberty/virtscripts/makedomain)

Something unpuppetised has happened here?

Event Timeline

Horizon is designed to be backwards-compatible with different OpenStack API versions, and we want features from the Libery version of Horizon. So, right now, labtestweb and californium have Liberty-versioned OS packages, and every other box has Kilo-versioned packages.

For now, this is on purpose. I hope to catch our whole cluster up to Liberty but that's nontrivial and is blocked by some labtest stuff.

(And, yeah, makedomain only works with Liberty packages :( )

Update: @Andrew did this during the upgrade of Labs from Kilo to Liberty.