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Confusing "reply" under last post in a topic
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Story 1

Given that there is a topic with a post
When I click on the link "reply"
And write a post
Then I expect the new post to be a reply on a branch on this specific post

and then

Story 2

Given that there is a topic with a post
When I click in the text field "Reply to 'topic'"
And write a post
Then I expect the new post to be on the main branch on this specific topic

What happen is that after those two stories the branching in story 1 disappears and shows up as a post in the main thread. This is wrong to me. After story 2 the story one should show up as a branched reply.

Event Timeline

This is by design, but you are not the only person who would prefer other behavior.

Tell me who and I will smack them! ;)

Actually, I thought I was the only one noticing this, but several have pointed this out to be the wrong behavior.