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Provide a way to get efficiently legal feedback for Wikimedia deployments requests
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Requests like T115906 could require a more careful analysis performed by someone knowing the technical aspects and so able to highlight the legal risks, and legal team asserting them.

Such requests are typically blocked a long time to:

  • allow legal to know the request and reply
  • ask for further precision

This time could exceed the reasonable expectations of people requesting it.

We need to plan something to allow an efficient communication between legal and config/deployment.

Event Timeline

Dereckson renamed this task from Provide a way to get efficiently legal feedb+O to Provide a way to get efficiently legal feedback for Wikimedia deployments requests.May 27 2016, 3:58 PM
Dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)

A solution could be a short monthly meeting when there is at least one question pending.

Hi @Dereckson, the quickest way to get legal feedback is by emailing me ( or Zhou Zhou ( for internal questions. Community requests can go to, and they will get sent to the appropriate attorney quickly too.

We also have a monthly meeting with the heads of each product group ( to review plans and any legal questions. If your team isn't represented at these meetings, send me an email and I'll make sure you're invited to the next round.

We're still working through the backlog at WMF-Legal , too. If it would be helpful to better document the best way to get legal advice, let me know!

the quickest way to get legal feedback is by emailing

For the records, is the canonical list.
I would love to add that to which completely misses any description (bad) but I do not have rights to edit the Phab project.

I would love to add that to which completely misses any description (bad) but I do not have rights to edit the Phab project.

acl*phabricator members don't have automatical access everywhere?

Urbanecm subscribed.

Nothing to be done here