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Upgrade to Kubernetes 1.3
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Restricted Application added subscribers: Zppix, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Primary thing we'd get is that there's a cadvisor update that allows our prometheus install to actaully get container metrics again...

We also need to upgrade the pause container, since that has been moved from Go to C.

I've built and pushed

I've also rebased our changes (with some squashing) from v1.2.4wmf4 to 1.3.0wmf4 (took a few tries!)

I think I'll wait for to fill out before actually upgrading :) From reading through the entire changelog the Pause change seems to be the only issue, but I'd rather wait...

Mentioned in SAL [2016-07-07T12:45:19Z] <yuvipanda> start deployment of k8s 1.3.0wmf4 for T139259

yuvipanda claimed this task.

Upgrade complete!