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Fix missing images bug on "enwiki > Ptolemy (name)"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Repro steps:

  • load "enwiki > Ptolemy (name)"
  • scroll to "Etymology and history" section
  • tap the first collapsed table ( says "More information" )
  • when it opens there are some hieroglyph images which are missing

Screen Shot 2016-07-26 at 3.33.04 PM.png (1×675 px, 151 KB)

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@coreyfloyd repro steps are in the description. use those for testing criteria?

Pulling this into 5.0.6 - one of the crash fixes affects this code, makes the merge easier.

JMinor subscribed.

Verified hieroglyphs are correctly displayed in 5.0.6 908.1.