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ptable app is broken again!
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description has been returning a 500 Server Error since earlier today - possibly longer. Something recently broken in its dependencies?

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Still broken (at least 3 days now). I can't see the error messages but I tried running my own copy and ran into:

  • the code is using http not https: WD_API = ''

so I'm guessing this is the problem! Hopefully simple to fix?!

So I updated to https in my local copy and that definitely fixed the problem. Not sure if @Ricordisamoa is around? I don't have permission right now to do anything with ptable, but I do have an account (apsmith) on so if I was in the right group I could help out here maybe...

Whooooouuuups! I haven't been reading notifications recently... thank you @ArthurPSmith!

Change 312200 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ricordisamoa):
Access Wikidata API via HTTPS

Change 312200 merged by jenkins-bot:
Access Wikidata API via HTTPS

Excellent, thanks! I probably should have sent you an email...