Index page form shows unwanted fields.
"MediaWiki:Proofreadpage index attributes" and "MediaWiki:Proofreadpage js attributes" were deleted 2 days ago, but still captures data from them (e.g. "Merknader" field), even "MediaWiki:Proofreadpage index data config" exists and does not contain them.
If I understand the code, in getDataConfig function (ProofreadIndexPage.php), it looks up for 'proofreadpage_index_data_config'. (1) If it exists, then gets data; (2) if not, then uses 'proofreadpage_index_attributes' and ''proofreadpage_js_attributes''.
The code flow is going by the (2) condition, because the form in no.source has the the fields indicated in the deleted "proofreadpage_index_attributes". No error message is shown in a preview.
So, why it does not detect 'proofreadpage_index_data_config'? Does it have any relation to the use of "inContentLanguage" and bug T126146? Some DB refresh needed?