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The property name is not shown correct
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  1. I have my user language in Wikidata English
  2. I access a Wikidata item that doesnt have a label in English
  3. The property P3217 is then shown as P3217
  4. When I add an english label to the Wikidata object then its shows correct "Dictionary of Swedish National Biography"

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2016-10-29 I change status to resolved feels like it works

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I can't reproduce this. Tried it with interface language Dutch and English and in both cases the label for P3217 appeared immediately after saving the statement. Could you specify which browser (including version) and OS you are using? And when this happens again, could you check the Javascript console for errors (and if any post them here). Maybe that way this can be reproduced. And does this only happen for P3217 or other properties as well?

Ok maybe I have activated some Javascript on my Wikidata profile that is the problem?!?!?

You are right I tested on page
both with Safari and Chrome and no problems

I will come back when I have been checking Javascript console

  1. OS macOS SIerra Version 10.12
  2. Browser Google Chrome Version 53.0.2785.143 (64-bit)

As I asked for P3217 when it was created I had this problem for some days but it has "been better" and I see it "translated" more often.... but now thought I found a cause of the error...

Salgo60 updated the task description. (Show Details)