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Input type "openlayers" does not provide a lookup field for coordinates
Closed, ResolvedPublic



  • MediaWiki 1.28.0-rc.0 (7625c75) 15:14, 3. Nov. 2016
  • PHP 5.6.27-0+deb8u1 (apache2handler)
  • MariaDB 10.0.28-MariaDB-1~jessie
  • Maps 4.0.0 (805a901) 04:38, 15. Nov. 2016
  • Page Forms 4.0.2 (b3d73c2) 19:57, 7. Nov. 2016


For the "openlayers" input type no field for looking up coordinates is provided. It will be nice to have this feature as it is provided by the "googlemaps" input type.

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That's true, although it's not a bug - the "openlayers" input doesn't provide such a field because I couldn't find a good free geocoding service. This could count as a feature request, though.

Ah, ok, did not know this. So the situation is different. Actually never tried this ever before. Hmm, that makes the input type pretty much unusable for regular users. Indeed this will be a great feature for wikis what do not want to rely on Google Maps. Thumbs up.

Kghbln renamed this task from Input type "openlayers" not showing lookup field for coordinates to Input type "openlayers" does not provide a lookup field for coordinates.EditedNov 16 2016, 8:58 PM
Kghbln triaged this task as Medium priority.
Kghbln updated the task description. (Show Details)

I just amended my task description to be a feature request. Hopefully a service will be around for this sooner than later.

Yaron_Koren claimed this task.

This has finally been implemented now, and it only took two years...

@Mikael - thanks for the good advice.