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add the #acl*operations-team to the s9 analytics space for nda approvals
Closed, DeclinedPublic


This task just is a tracker for the request by @RobH on 2016-12-08.

In processing the access requests T152023 & T151969, both required that the NDA confirmation be reviewed. The task that was done on seems to exist in the S9 research space. In reviewing this via IRC with @leila, it seems that this space is administered by @DarTar. If acceptable, I'd propose that the ops team (via #acl*operations-team) be granted the ability to view the tasks in the space, so we can confirm NDA verification status as SRE-Access-Requests are filed.

Without it, we just have to add the additional step of having a WMF employee with access confirm the NDA has been signed. Since this is typically a big deal for private data, we'll almost always call this out specifically.

This is NOT an urgent request, as the two requests that required NDA confirmation had that confirmation provided by @leila. This request is merely to streamline future requests for new users.

Event Timeline

RobH triaged this task as Low priority.Dec 8 2016, 7:54 PM
RobH updated the task description. (Show Details)

I'm now going to decline this, since our access policies changed for shell requests.

ALL shell requests require operations to confirm with legal (Not within phabricator) the signatures for NDA status. So we don't need to view this space, since any NDA in it doesn't count for our purposes.

@RobH sounds good.

@ggellerman: this is now declined. I know that you wanted to work with Dario to make it happen.