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"missing argument" error in page form extension when creating class
Closed, InvalidPublic


I also have the accessLog extension installed on my wiki. It appears to be working during normal edit/creates.

When I try to generate a class, I get the following error:
Warning: Missing argument 12 for accessLogEditAction() in /home/ccmdb/ on line 104

The template gets generated, but the form does not.

I also should say that I have not been able to get the extension to update properly from a manually generated form; it seems to be able to read the template settings in existing articles, but when saving it just blanks out all the content of the article.

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This looks like a problem with the AccessLog extension (or sub-extension) - I suggest you contact whoever is in charge of it.

I changed the status to "Invalid" - feel free to change it back if you think it's a Page Forms issue.

You were right, that error was an accesslog extension issue. That was fixed.
However, still having the same problem, template is generated but forms or properties are not.

How are you creating the templates, forms and properties?

Marking this as "Invalid" again... feel free to re-open.