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MediaWiki in Translatewiki
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Session title

MediaWiki in works

Main topic

Background information for developers how the connection of MediaWiki in works.

Type of activity

Unconference session



=== 1. The problem ===

=== 2. Expected outcome ===
* Answers or agreement on approaches to (some of) the problems outlined above in the bullet points.
* Generally more awareness of (correctly) applying the #easy tag across developer teams.

=== 3. Current status of the discussion ===

== Proposed by ==

== Preferred group size ==

== Any supplies that you would need to run the session ==

== Interested attendees (sign up below) ==

== Quick copy & paste of etherpad ==

Event Timeline

@Raymond: Did this session take place? If yes, are there any notes or action items to share? If not, could you close this task as declined? Thanks in advance!

Raymond claimed this task.

Session taked place, sadly with 4 participants only. No notes, but T155465 created for better documenation for the daily workflow.