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Consider not printing TOC and categories
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to a random article
  2. Select "Print version" on Wikipedia's left menu or "print page" in your browser
  3. Categories and TOC are printed with article content

These two article parts usually serve for navigating a reader/user on the page. This usecase doesn't make sense when printing. The second option could be changing these two into text format (not box format) and rename categories to keywords

Event Timeline

If the TOC is hidden it should not be printed.

This task currently misses a usecase / root problem description why you'd want to not print the TOC.

If the TOC is hidden it should not be printed.

This task currently misses a usecase / root problem description why you'd want to not print the TOC.

I tried to improve the description, thank you