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Trying to mark the state of a feedback can return a database error and disable the ability to mark the state
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Originally reported by georgebarnick -

I also see this issue as well (I didn't mark the state at all though, it just appeared disable immediately) -

pasted_file (738×1 px, 259 KB)

Event Timeline

georgebarnick renamed this task from Trying to mark the state of a feedback will return a database error and disable the ability to mark the state to Trying to mark the state of a feedback can return a database error and disable the ability to mark the state.Jan 22 2017, 5:53 PM

I'm guessing we need to update ArticleFeedbackv5 since I was able to just properly mark feedback on which is using the latest version -

I don't happen to know whether or not the master version is compatible with 1.26.2, however.

relevant IRC conversation from earlier today (which mentions T152737: Database error and/or MediaWiki exception occurs upon trying to edit on Brickipedia):

#brickimedia on freenode
[11:57:18] <+ashley> I can see the problem (there should be the option to do something about the feedback, but there isn't), but there's nothing exciting in the error logs or anything -- the DB error log is basically full of OOM errors, no "real" ones
[11:58:40] <SamanthaNguyen> that sounds like it's just falling back to T152737 then
[11:58:46] <SamanthaNguyen>
[11:59:14] <SamanthaNguyen> are you fine with me closing the aftv5 ticket as a duplicate?
[12:02:57] <+georgebarnick> Well it's certainly the same issue that causes it but the fact that one database error that I incurred yesterday prevents article feedback from ever being usable again is kinda a different issue
[12:05:31] <SamanthaNguyen> OK, I'll keep them separate