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Link occasionally obscured by hovercard
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At nowiki I often observe that the hovercard show up, but when I immediately click the link it will fail. I wonder if the problem is that the hovercard cover the link when it is inserted, and then are adjusted, but a click on the link before it is adjusted will fail. I have also been wondering whether the hovercard overshoots the edge sufficiently to interfere with pointer clicks, visually it seems to be inside the link area.

One workaround could be to increase the z-index for links and place the hovercard on a slightly lower index. That would give the link precedence, and thus avoid the problem.

This task was previously added as the comment {T68240#2962488}

I have asked the community at nowiki (w:no:Wikipedia:Torget#Hovercards) whether any other users experience this problem. I'm currently using Firefox 50.1.0 on Ubuntu 16.04, and occasionally on Windows 10.

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If the problem is infact consistent for other users on other projects, then I tend to belive it is a blocker for taking Hovercard out of beta. I for one often turn it off in beta because it constantly interfere with navigation of nowiki.

Thanks @jeblad for the feedback. I don't mean to ask more of you, but can you see if you have the same problem at the link below? It's a staging wiki where we're testing a significant update to the Page Previews (Hovercards) code. This code is not in production yet, but hopefully will be shortly.

Thank you also for starting the discussion on your home wiki! I'm happy to help answer any questions there, feel free to ping me.

Please note that the reported defect does not seem to be consistent. For some time I have not been using Hovercards, so the problem might not be so persistent now.

The Hovercards at the staging wiki seems to open as they should, and the links are clickable.

ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 24 2017, 1:55 PM
ovasileva added a project: Web-Team-Backlog.
ovasileva added subscribers: Ckoerner, ovasileva.

Thanks for the feedback @jeblad - also not to ask you more, but let us know if you see any other issues with the links in - as @Ckoerner mentioned, this will be the code we are planning on releasing in production

I ave no further feedback from nowiki.

Aklapper renamed this task from Link occosionally obscured by hovercard to Link occasionally obscured by hovercard.Jan 26 2017, 2:01 PM

NOt sure how safe it is to simply disregard this, without even knowing what caused the failure.

@jeblad - the code on nowiki currently is the older version of the feature, prior to the refactor. We're currently doing full QA of the feature on the new code - I've added this behavior to our test cases - if we find the bug persists with the update, we'll log a separate bug. QA task is tracked under T156292: Page Previews full feature QA