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investigate weird edit between wikis / memory corruption or struct inconsistency?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From enwiki feedback:

I was huggling in eswiki when suddenly and edit from simplewiki appeared and i tried to revert it, giving this result. Any ideas? -- User:Jcaraballo 18:09, 4 March 2017 (UTC)

Seems like there was a serious problem with data consistency, needs further investigation, hardware / OS related issue seems extremely unlikely, probably a bug in code.

Event Timeline

Petrb triaged this task as Medium priority.May 8 2017, 6:08 PM
Framawiki raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Jul 15 2017, 11:26 PM
Framawiki subscribed.

Same problem tonight with French+English projects. Nothing particular to note, using last version from git, I was in a run test to verify small edited interface code which is nothing special.
Since as a patroller I can't see that I replace French page content with English one, I raise the priority.

Framawiki renamed this task from investigate weird edit (cross edit from spanish -> simple wiki) / memory corruption or struct inconsistency? to investigate weird edit between wikis / memory corruption or struct inconsistency?.Jul 15 2017, 11:27 PM

I successfully managed to reproduce this issue, it requires software rollback to be enabled.

Petrb claimed this task.