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Description of "summary" parameter for "action=edit" should be edited
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is very trivial, but I feel it might be of some significance. In api.php's built-in help file, under the "* action=edit*" header, it says for the summary parameter that it is the "Edit summary". However, when using the API with "action=edit&section=new", the summary parameter becomes the title for the new section instead. This should be noted in the instructions on the help page, or maybe even put into a separate parameter altogether.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:10 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz14231.

(In reply to comment #0)

This is very trivial, but I feel it might be of some significance. In api.php's
built-in help file, under the "* action=edit*" header, it says for the summary
parameter that it is the "Edit summary". However, when using the API with
"action=edit&section=new", the summary parameter becomes the title for the new
section instead. This should be noted in the instructions on the help page

Help text changed in r35202.

, or
maybe even put into a separate parameter altogether.

They're in the same parameter because they're currently in the same form field, and the API leaves the hard work to EditPage.php which requires form input. Yes, that interface sucks, and when EditPage is rewritten (which it should be, it's messy) that'll hopefully change. However, the way things are now, separate API parameters would require separate form fields. I've heard people say that should be done too, and if you're one of them please file a separate bug for that (if there isn't one already).