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"|autocomplete on" argument from "{{#forminput:" parser function doesnt work with MediaWiki 1.28
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When using either "|autocomplete on namespace=" or "|autocomplete on category" arguments inside the #forminput parser function: autocompletion is not working, no one page appears.

Config : MW 1.28.1 or 1.28.0
Page Forms 4.1

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Do you see any JavaScript errors in the browser console?

Yes many like
"VM590:63 Uncaught TypeError: this.source is not a function at $.(anonymous function).(anonymous function)._search (eval at <anonymous>"

Could you add "?debug=true" to the URL, to see if a more informative error message shows up?

Okay, I think I know what the problem is - this is due to some bugs in the Page Forms JS code, in version 4.1, which have since been fixed. If you get the latest version of the Page Forms code, these problems will hopefully go away.

Nicolas_NALLET claimed this task.

Yes it's ok now thanks a lot !