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Bot is stuck on Queue for Job 106
Closed, InvalidPublic


As of 19:19, on April 26, the bot is stuck on queuing job 106. Job 105 was completed at around 02:15, while this job was submitted at 17:06:38. Also, it is not letting me submit another job because "Missing token: The required token was missing for this request. Please try your request again." In the past, this error was able to be solved by simply hitting submit again. However, it is not submitting this time.

Event Timeline

Elisfkc triaged this task as High priority.Apr 26 2017, 5:22 PM

Submitting worked by splitting up the 440 article job (Jobs 108 & 109). 106 is still not running

It was stuck because I shut them down. I'm trying to find the bug that you reported earlier. I can't seem to easily replicate. It happens totally at random and when I'm not looking.