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Create herald rules for #User-Zppix
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Can I have a couple project addition rules added for herald,

  • If task is assigned to me, add project: User-Zppix
  • If task is authored by me, add project: User-Zppix


Event Timeline

Many WMF staff are travelling, at WMF offsites and preparing for the hackathon; they are probably busy

@Reedy i know I replied via IRC but replying here to keep in 1 place;
I can create hearld rules but I have no access to the herald rule type required for the rules I am requesting to be created.

Aklapper claimed this task.

Done in H233

@Zppix: Is this Herald rule still wanted / needed, or could H233 be disabled to increase overall performance a little bit? Thanks!