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Add a link to an image included on a table doesn't work
Open, LowPublic


User case: you have an image is in a table cell. The goal is to make the image clickable, to go to another page.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. in a table that have an image in it, click on the image
  2. click on "link" in VE toolbar and create a link, apply

Expectation: the image is now the label for the created link

Result: the link is display as [1], next to the image.

Capture d’écran_2017-05-20_11-12-43.png (149×458 px, 19 KB)

Event Timeline

This is intentional behaviour. The link button is meant to add a wikilink to some text, which isn't the same thing as making you navigate to a page when you click on an image. That's why the link button doesn't work when you just have an image selected, but that didn't happen since you also have some whitespace selected next to it.

Given that making a click on an image navigate to a page is only allowed for public domain images for licensing reasons, I am worried that implementing a feature for this would cause licence violations.

Deskana moved this task from To Triage to Freezer on the VisualEditor board.