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Labs database corruption
Closed, DuplicatePublic


SELECT pl_namespace, pl_title
FROM page
JOIN pagelinks ON pl_from = page_id
WHERE page_namespace=0 AND page_title="Ajinkya_Rahane"
AND pl_title LIKE "Ankit%";
| pl_namespace | pl_title     |
|            0 | Ankit_Sharma |

However, the same API query links to Ankit Sharma (cricketer) instead which is transcluded from Template:Rising Pune Supergiant Squad.

Event Timeline

From a production database server:

mysql:wikiadmin@db1083 [enwiki]> SELECT pl_namespace, pl_title
    -> FROM page
    -> JOIN pagelinks ON pl_from = page_id
    -> WHERE page_namespace=0 AND page_title="Ajinkya_Rahane"
    -> AND pl_title LIKE "Ankit%";
| pl_namespace | pl_title                 |
|            0 | Ankit_Sharma_(cricketer) |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Looks like this is only happening on the old labs infra (, db1069 and labsdb1001 and labsdb1003). The new one are showing the same value as production.

@Legoktm would you mind adding the above comment to: T138967 as per:
It is easier for us to track in a single place and we try to solve the issues when we can (knowing that unfortunately it will happen again most likely) and report on that task too.
Some more information about why these drifts happen:

Thank you