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Display the Links to Wiki that are in a language that I speak with a different shade of gray
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When it comes to a list of 30 interwiki links it's costs a bit of time to scan the list to find [de] and [en]. Those are the languages I speak and care about. I think it would be valuable if [de] and [en] would have a lighter shade of gray as background, so that they are easier to spot. The color change could be done client-side after the rest of the page has loaded, so it doesn't add to page loading time.

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thiemowmde subscribed.

You can find a lot of existing user scripts that do more or less exactly what you are asking for. I wrote one myself, see (since you mentioned "de", I assume you can read the instructions).

There are also very low-profile CSS solutions. In your case:

.interwiki-de a, .interwiki-en a { background: #fff; }

You should also check if you have the "Compact Language Links" Beta feature enabled (see This is a WMF product that aims to solve the same problem.