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API and no recentchanges
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A decent list of titles that need to be updated in a downloaded: pages-meta-current dump, in order to keep it updated, cannot be retreived by using a simple API call.
The current API has not the ability to provide real recent changes.
Although there is a query->logevents-> recentchanges, the returned data does not respond to Recent Changes in any manner.
Deleted pages from delete actions and deleted pages from move actions do not appear.
New titles from move actions, new titles from import actions, new titles from upload actions also do not appear.

A simple API which will return: title, action, timestamp would be much helpful.

  • title (the tile...)
  • action:
    • edited (if content changed for any reason: by user or bot , due to a move action etc...)
    • or new (new for any reason: new because of a move, new because of an upload... new because of anything ...)
    • or deleted ( deleted for any reason: deleted from delete action, deleted from move action etc.)
  • timestamp (this one is also clear)

Which also means that moves and merges must create two records, one for the "From" (a delete or an edited record) and one for the "To" (a new for moves or an edited for merges).

Event Timeline

As I understand, you want a way to get, with the API, both recentchanges (edits) and recent logs actions (page creation AND delete action) ?
I suppose that currently a page creation is considered as an edit in recenthcange endpoint, no ? So only deletions are missing ?

Even if you want to use the web api instead of the EventStream one, I'm unclear why|edit|new&rcprop=title|timestamp|loginfo&rclimit=max doesn't meet your needs. Seems to have all the info you want (Oversighted pages might not appear).

As I understand, you want a way to get, with the API, both recentchanges (edits) and recent logs actions (page creation AND delete action) ?
I suppose that currently a page creation is considered as an edit in recenthcange endpoint, no ? So only deletions are missing ?

deletions also generate an entry in the recentchanges endpoint. For example|timestamp|loginfo&rclimit=1&rcstart=2017-07-02T18:21:22Z

Thanks. I see|edit|new&rcprop=title|timestamp|loginfo&rclimit=max is exactly what I asked for. I was based in older tries. But is a little strange that: recentchanges- ->new do not contain "new" entries created by move actions.