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Error during publishing of article translated in ContentTranslation
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Error message reads "En feil oppsto under publisering av oversettelsen. Vennligst prøv å publisere siden igjen. Feil: Translation not found" (An error emerged during publishing of the translation. Please try again later. Error: Translation not found")

This is for translation of Giv'at Asaf from nnwiki to nowiki. Translation initiated from nnwiki. Url is

Note that content language at nowiki is "nb".

The article in the translation history is also lost, ie. the page is blank. Opening the page it reads on top "Klarte ikke hente den lagrede oversettelsen!" ("Could not get the stored translation!")"

Screenshot-content-tranlation-2017-07-07.png (1×2 px, 434 KB)

Page with error message.

Event Timeline

Note that another user report a different error, see w:no:Wikipedia:Torget#Innholdsoversettelse - noen som får det til å fungere nå?, and describes the page as "blank". When I open a page for on-going translation the page turns white-ish.

(This seems to be due to a bug somewhere in Gadget-recent-changes-patrol.js. When this gadget is enabled the CT page is blank.)

Checked if CT from Swedish worked as expected, and it did; w:no:Abu Hanifa.

Checked if CT from Danish worked as expected, and it did; w:no:Seymour R. Cray.

Checked if CT from Nynorsk worked as expected, and it did; w:no:Élie Cartan.

Not sure what this could have been, a glitch of some kind? An Heisenbug?

Note that the article in the initial report still can't be loaded.

Amire80 claimed this task.
Amire80 subscribed.

Not reproducible.

We're redoing much of the backend and the frontend now, and issues of these kind will be easier to debug (or hopefully, not appear at all).