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Implement the drop service
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As a REST endpoint /drop, which should delete the given dataset.

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As per, the request below works fine:

curl --get -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9999/bigdata/sparql' --data-urlencode 'c=<${DATASET_URI}>'

where ${DATASET_URI} is the named graph URI (see T170685) of the dataset we want to drop.
Of course, exposing this is not safe at all.

Hjfocs moved this task from Doing to Done on the Wikidata-primary-sources board.

The service is already available via the /sparql endpoint.
See T170819 to limit this action to the user who has uploaded the dataset.

Considering that the probability of someone deleting his dataset is relatively low we could hide this endpoint from the public (avoiding the security work needed to secure it) and provide an email to ask the removal of the dataset instead.