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Can't save any page if $wgCookieDomain is too broad
Closed, ResolvedPublic


[see the last paragraph for the TL;DR summary]

I use Auth_remoteuser for the * wikis and hit a problem with the cookies used by Auth_remoteuser.

Trying to save any changes on or always errored out:

Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data. 
You might have been logged out. Please verify that you're still
logged in and try again. [...]"

Editing the other wikis worked.

The reason for the session problem was $wgCookieDomain = '' instead of $ includes MediaWiki:Common.css from and gets the english session cookies this way. Since the CSS is loaded after the HTML and the latest cookie wins, the next request sent the english cookies to the el wiki.

The solution was obviously to restrict $wgCookieDomain to $

The better solution would be to somehow include the wiki name (maybe using the database name?) in the cookie name - instead of MediaWiki_Extensions_Auth_remoteuser_AuthRemoteuserSessionProviderUserID it could be something like MediaWiki_Extensions_Auth_remoteuser_AuthRemoteuserSessionProvider_wiki_en_UserID. This would avoid cookie conflicts if $wgCookieDomain covers more than one wiki.

Event Timeline

Took me a while to get behind the problem. No, not nearly a year ;-) Sorry for beeing that late to this task.

Anyways, thanks to your description a patch is ready. Will upload it for review soon. (You can see it on my github page already, see the branch T171190 there for early alpha access ^^)

Yeah, the problem is not too easy to understand (guess how long it took me to find out what happens...), so no worries ;-)

I had a look at your commit on github, and it looks like it should solve the issue. Actually it covers more cases than I'd have thought of ;-)

Thanks for fixing this interesting[tm] bug!

Change 420135 had a related patch set uploaded (by Enst80; owner: Enst80):
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@master] More distinctive cookie prefix

Change 420135 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@master] More distinctive cookie prefix

Because this is a severe bug, which inhibits the extension usage on bigger MW installations, i'll backport the patch to all affected branches.

Change 420608 had a related patch set uploaded (by Enst80; owner: Enst80):
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@REL1_27] More distinctive cookie prefix

Change 420609 had a related patch set uploaded (by Enst80; owner: Enst80):
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@REL1_28] More distinctive cookie prefix

Change 420610 had a related patch set uploaded (by Enst80; owner: Enst80):
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@REL1_29] More distinctive cookie prefix

Change 420611 had a related patch set uploaded (by Enst80; owner: Enst80):
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@REL1_30] More distinctive cookie prefix

Change 420608 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@REL1_27] More distinctive cookie prefix

Change 420609 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@REL1_28] More distinctive cookie prefix

Change 420610 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@REL1_29] More distinctive cookie prefix

Change 420611 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser@REL1_30] More distinctive cookie prefix

Task closed before 1 year passed. Celebrate! :-)