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Change the dropable area to be the whole edit box
Open, Needs TriagePublic


The current system is to either have a big grey bar at the top of the editing area, or turn that off and not have drag-and-drop uploading.

Lots of websites now make the whole text area able to have files dropped on it, and show some different styling (e.g. a large dashed border, with the workds 'Drop files here' in the middle) when the user is hovering with a file.

Would this be a suitable change to MsUpload?

Should this be a new configuration variable?

Should the existing $wgMSU_useDragDrop be extended to be true/false/'textarea'?

Event Timeline

I think this is a good idea! Are you able to change this @Samwilson?

Yes, I've been meaning to find time to look at this. Don't know when I will, but it's definitely still on my list. :)