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Notify for added link on wikidata on email
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User @MareBG from serbian wikipedia, added on wikidata link in Q1721931 to page Tijamis on serbian wikipedia.. I on email now got unreal notify in title of email to he ADDED LINK OF MY USER PAGE ON WIKIDATA but in text normal (real) result.. On Wikipedia I got normal notify and real to he added link of Tijamis to wikidata.


wiki.png (799×1 px, 249 KB)


email.png (502×682 px, 24 KB)

Event Timeline

Kizule updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kizule renamed this task from Notify for added link on email to Notify for added link on wikidata on email.Aug 20 2017, 6:15 PM

Is the Connection with Wikidata email button in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-echo checked?

:-O Why to uncheck? I in title of email got to he added link of my user
page on wikidata, but in text real, what he really added there.

Kizule claimed this task.

Ok than. I will work it.