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Article Wizard workflow support at Wikipedia article search page
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Everything described here pertains to English Wikipedia but may have parallels on other language versions.

When following Article Wizard, first step is a web search for existing pages with same title.
Big blue button is titled "Search Wikipedia for alternative titles". It's a dead end at the search results page.

You may create the page "Foofleberries".
There were no results matching the query.

The user has to click the back button and answer "yes I found" or the reverse.

  • > THIS IS A SUBSTANTIAL BREAKPOINT (barrier) TO GOOD ARTICLE CONSTRUCTION and derails the entire Article Wizard. <--

For more on why breakpoints are important see

Note: same comment applies to arriving at the search results through the box recently restored or added at Wikipedia:Your first article.

The Article Wizard should be able to cue the search page so it has the next steps in the AW flow embedded, and the user can see them and follow them.

INTENDED OUTCOME (specifically)
At a minimum, when following Article Wizard, these AW buttons should be displayed on the search results page.

Yes, my proposed article already exists under a different name   (submit a redirect)
No, my proposed article doesn't already exist on Wikipedia   (continue with the wizard)

Better yet, just one of the buttons depending on the search results. Better yet, skip this step and do the right thing depending on search results.

Further community discussion is here:

Event Timeline

Hi @Brianhe, thanks for taking the time to report this!
This seems to be about which is something that the English Wikipedia community created and maintains. says that "This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Article wizard page." so this likely needs to brought up on that talk page instead, as I do not think that its maintainers use Phabricator to manage changes and improvements for the Article Wizard.

Actually if this says what I intended, it is a request to change the search page which is not community developed or community supported AFAIK. Without being too specific about implementation details, I'd like the search page to display additional text/markup supplied by the article wizard.

I'd like the search page to display additional text/markup supplied by the article wizard.

How should the search page know that you just came from some "Article Wizard" page?
Sounds like a security issue if a page could somehow influence what is displayed on the next page you go to.

I do not see how the Search page is the issue here.

I suspect this can be done similarly to how the edit page displays additional text specified by a particular page's edit notice.

Seriously not being flippant but the "how" is for the engineers to resolve. Right here I'm just specifying the intended results. Am more than happy to work this up as a diagrammed workflow if it is helpful.

@Brianhe in terms of the desired outcome of this task, is something like this what you had in mind? I think we could do this using Guided Tour and modifying the inputbox extension to allow paramaters to be passed to the search page (a GuidedTour would require tour=[tourname] to be passed)

@Samtar the Guided Tour sounds nearly ideal, I will share it back with the community discussion that this request came from and update this report as soon as possible.

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jul 19 2018, 4:55 AM

the Guided Tour sounds nearly ideal, I will share it back with the community discussion that this request came from and update this report as soon as possible.

@Brianhe: Any news to share?

the Guided Tour sounds nearly ideal, I will share it back with the community discussion that this request came from and update this report as soon as possible.

Unfortunately closing this report as no further information has been provided.

@Brianhe: If there are updates, please share them and please set the status of this report back to "Open" via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown. Thanks a lot!