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Watchlist including a page I have never visited
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: dejan.papez

My watchlist in the English Wikipedia includes the page Ҥ–––а———ԍ–––ԍ———е–––г, although I have never visited it and have not marked it for watching. Even more, it lists this page in the move log (but not anymore in the deletion log) section of my watchlist even after I have removed it from the list manually.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:23 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz15419.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

What does the move log entry look like? Is it of the form "moved X to Ҥ–––а———ԍ–––ԍ———е–––г" ?

dejan.papez wrote:

It says "moved Dark matter to Ҥ–––а———ԍ–––ԍ———е–––г" and "moved Dark matter to Ҥ–––а———ԍ–––ԍ———е–––г over redirect".

And you were watching "Dark matter"?

dejan.papez wrote:

I see: "Even if the new title is deleted after the page has been moved back, a note about the deletion will appear on your watchlist and the title will remain in your list of watched pages. If you notice mysterious nonexistent pages appearing on your watchlist, this is the most likely explanation."

Sorry for wasting your time.

Yeah, I was going in that direction. No problem :)