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Some pages don't display in their categories
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I came across several file pages at Wikimedia Commons which didn't display in their categories for several years even though the categorization tag was correct.

File:Kamenné (Měděnec), Memorial of wictims of World War I, district Chomutov.JPG was uploaded on 2015-10-18T10:49:22‎ and categorized into Category:Chomutov_District. Even though the file page was edited six times (2015-10-18T11:17:17‎, 2015-10-18T12:15:46‎, 2015-10-18T13:29:04‎, 2016-07-04T01:55:10‎, 2016-11-18T04:43:48‎, 2016-11-25T20:36:11‎), the file was not visible in the category Category:Chomutov_District. Just the seventh edit (2017-08-31T11:32:25‎) caused the the file appeared in its category, even though the edit not changed the categorization tag.

Similar cause was the file File:Klášterec nad Ohří, kostel Nejsvětější Trojice a salla terrena.JPG in the category Category:Chomutov_District and File:Ústí nad Labem 2015.JPG in the category Category:Ústí nad Labem were not visible in their categories till today.

(I detected these cases because I have the root categories of Czech regions, districts and cities in my maintenance list to keep the categories cleaned.)

These cases awaken a suspicion that thousands of pages stay permanently hidden due to this failure of MediaWiki. We need a safeguard to prevent and detect such failures.

Event Timeline

Question: Actually the file was deleted between December 1st, 2016 and August 31st, 2017. Have you recognized this problem before December 1st or with other files that has not been deleted?

Thus, the crucial problem is that "All public logs" (Special:Log) is not integrated into the Revision history page (action=history) and therefore the history page is misleading. I go to create a new taks for that problem.

This file (,_Shape_Me_-_The_American_Breed.jpg) wasn't appearing in categories as well, so I had to re-edit the source page to redo its categorization.