Author: thecentercannothold
Two questions from a conversation over at Wikipedia willage pump (technical):
- is it possible to add parameters to the categorymembers query - say, 'cmstartsorted' and 'cmendsorted' - that will give a list of pages between page X and page Y according to the category's sort order? currently, we can only get ranges of pages according to timestamps.
- could those parameters also take ascending/descending arguments? the original question was whether there was a way to find immediate neighbors in the category to a category member (which is currently possible for later members by tricking the query-continue element, but not for previous members).
so, something like:
would give all the category members between pagename1 and pagename2, whereas something like
would give a list of category members starting at pagename1 and descending according to sort order
while we're at it, it's not at all clear what timestamps above refer to: the date the pages were last edited? the date the pages were added to the category? if you could clarify that, I'll add it to the API documentation.
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement