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Tables appearing incorrectly on mobile website in hiwiki on Android and iOS
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Reported by email by @satdeep_gill

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll to second section
  3. Expected:

Table appears normally

Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 11.32.05 AM.png (383×1 px, 84 KB)

Observed - table does not appear
1.png (776×436 px, 57 KB)

Reported on Moto G5s Plus, Google Chrome. Reproduced on Google Chrome 64.0, Android 7, Safari mobile on iOS 11. The issue has been reported by Android users on other devices as well.

Open question

Per the note, are Android users only reporting the issue on this particular page or are there other pages impacted?

Event Timeline

ovasileva updated the task description. (Show Details)
ovasileva renamed this task from Tables appearing incorrectly on mobile in hiwiki to Tables appearing incorrectly on mobile website in hiwiki on Android and iOS.Feb 5 2018, 10:37 AM
Jdlrobson subscribed.

This article appears to be using a template "Track listing/sandbox"

I believe this might be an on-wiki issue so I've raised a question on the talk page of a user working on that template/page.

If so it's out of scope for the web team.

Also is this really a high priority bug? Do we know if this impacts any other pages? If it's just isolated to this page, wouldn't low be more appropriate?

Screenshot_20180206-063058.png (1×720 px, 107 KB)

This is lua related problem. Now it solved by local admin on hiwiki. Please recheck. After we going to close this task.

Aklapper closed this task as Resolved.EditedFeb 6 2018, 2:11 AM

Indeed, the table does now appear on mobile as expected.
Closing task as resolved.

@ YmKavishwar: Thanks for retesting and sharing with us here!