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Upload cassandra package(s) to wikimedia apt repository
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The RESTBase cluster is using a custom build of the Cassandra 3.11.0 release. Currently tagged in our fork as wmf/3.11.0-wmf5 (see:

Debian packages are on rutherfordium:

These packages are signed by my key (same one in used in the Debian keyring):

pub   rsa4096 2009-07-12 [SC]
uid           [  full  ] Eric Evans <>
uid           [  full  ] Eric Evans <>
uid           [  full  ] Eric Evans <>
uid           [  full  ] Eric Evans <>
uid           [ unknown] Eric Evans <>
sub   rsa4096 2009-07-12 [E]

The current version in the repository is 2.2.6-wmf1, which is the version in use by both the AQS and maps clusters. Simply upgrading the version to this one would be problematic for them. While RESTBase is deployed on jessie, these packages are arch independent and should be compatible with stretch; Would it be possible to have these added under stretch using the new structure, component/cassandra311 perhaps?

Event Timeline

Is there a specific reason for calling the repo component cassandra311? That's very specific and adding/removing components requires some puppet churn. IOW do we have reason to believe that Cassandra 3.12 will be incompatible with a 3.11 cluster?

If this is merely about providing separate packages for migrating between Cassandra 2 and 3 let's rather call this component/cassandra3?

Copying between releases is okay, usually we rebuild but if the packages just provide a few jars without many run-time deps it's fine to copy them as well. I can take of the import tomorrow.

Is there a specific reason for calling the repo component cassandra311? That's very specific and adding/removing components requires some puppet churn. IOW do we have reason to believe that Cassandra 3.12 will be incompatible with a 3.11 cluster?

If this is merely about providing separate packages for migrating between Cassandra 2 and 3 let's rather call this component/cassandra3?

Even as of right now we have versions 2.1.13 and 2.2.6, (in addition to 3.11.0) in play. Version 2.1.13 is used by maps (which depending on who you talk to Doesn't Matter(tm)), and AQS uses 2.2.6, and probably will for the foreseeable future (they have no plans to upgrade). Even if you disqualify maps, we did keep AQS on a 2.1.x release for a considerable period of time (months?) after we'd moved RESTBase to a 2.2 release.

@Eevans wrote:

Even as of right now we have versions 2.1.13 and 2.2.6, (in addition to 3.11.0) in play. Version 2.1.13 is used by maps (which depending on who you talk to Doesn't Matter(tm)), and AQS uses 2.2.6, and probably will for the foreseeable future (they have no plans to upgrade). Even if you disqualify maps, we did keep AQS on a 2.1.x release for a considerable period of time (months?) after we'd moved RESTBase to a 2.2 release.

Ok, let's use component/cassandra311, then.

Change 409877 had a related patch set uploaded (by Muehlenhoff; owner: Muehlenhoff):
[operations/puppet@production] Add a component for Cassandra 3.11 packages for stretch-wikimedia

Change 409877 merged by Muehlenhoff:
[operations/puppet@production] Add a component for Cassandra 3.11 packages for stretch-wikimedia

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-02-12T14:38:38Z] <moritzm> uploading cassandra 3.11.0-wmf5 to component/cassandra311 for stretch-wikimedia/ (T186619)

MoritzMuehlenhoff claimed this task.

Uploaded to To add it to a server you can use

apt::repository { 'cassandra-3.11':
    uri        => '',
    dist       => 'stretch-wikimedia',
    components => 'component/cassandra311',

Change 410252 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eevans; owner: Eevans):
[operations/puppet@production] cassandra: enable component/cassandra33 where applicable

Change 410252 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] cassandra: enable component/cassandra33 where applicable

Change 410342 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eevans; owner: Eevans):
[operations/puppet@production] cassandra: actually enable component/cassandra311 (not component/cassandra33)

Change 410342 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] cassandra: actually enable component/cassandra311 (not component/cassandra33)