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{{{ITENAME}}} - Parser.php Line 2181 Bug
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: gross


I installed MedaWiki 1.14 on my server. When I open the wiki after the installation the mainpage ist displayed, but instead of "About MyNewWiki" it says "About {{{ITENAME}}}" at the bottom of the page.

Here is an extract of my logfile:

[Wed Mar 11 15:42:38 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /xxxx/wiki/httpdocs/wiki/includes/parser/Parser.php on line 2181, referer:
[Wed Mar 11 15:42:38 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /xxxx/wiki/httpdocs/wiki/includes/parser/Parser.php on line 2181, referer:

BUT when I open the loginpage "About MyNewWiki" is displayed correctly.

I also encounter some strange behavior when editing a page. The changes were applied but the first character of some lines has been dleted ...??

The copyright notice under the edit inputfield isn't displayed properly either (missing charactes and strange spaces...).

Any suggestions ?


Version: 1.14.x
Severity: normal
OS: Linux



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:36 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz17938.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Kind of a dupe to bug 17897. Fixed in the 1.14 branch in r48315

gross wrote:

Did not solve the problem!!

The error in the logs is gone(no wonder) but now every site is affected --> About {{{ITENAME}}}

The Parser.php behaves very strange now, have a look at -->

What am I supposed to be seeing? All I see is an empty page that hasn't been created. Seem to be able to edit ok.

gross wrote:

Sorry, cacheproblem. patch works!

gross wrote:

I'm sorry to reopen this bug, but its back.
After patching I restarted the webserver and everything worked fine! But after some time the bug occured again. It seems that it needs some requests before it start's behaving strange.
There are no errors in the apachelog since the patch.

It's not parsing correctly:
<an class="plainlinks"> in den zugehörigen [{[{[{{url:Special:Log|p|g|={={{{{ncode:{{{{{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}}}gbüchern suchen] oder dieser Seite [{{[{{[{{l:{{F{{L{{GENAME}}|}}|}}|=ed=t}} }}a}}eiten]</s<an<. </


Here's a link:

I'm not seeing the PHP error described in the original request, or any problems at all really. All I'm seeing in that link is a blank uncreated page. Main Page (Hauptseite) loads fine too. Reclosing as FIXED.

gabriel.fjellander wrote:

I have this bug too. I installed the wiki yesterday from the latest install package on the website. It is hard to do a link to because it appears only in perhaps one fifth of the cases. It appears only when you try to edit a page. What happens is that it appears one or more lines in the top of the page as descried above:

Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /[xxx]/ on line 2181

and it does not display any wiki-links on the page correctly. For example "[[{{Med[[{{ki:Helppage}}|hjäl}}idan]])". I have a screenshot of it, unfortunately my page is in swedish so perhaps it isn't very understandable, but anyway. It can't really handle the wiki formatting of the links.