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[Pages Created] Add disclaimer that deleted pages may include redirects
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


Redirect pages deleted appear in pages created, even though they may not be redirects. We should add a disclaimer that we don't know if the deleted pages were redirects.

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I don't quite follow. My answer is the same as at T202140: The Problem Of Pages Created

We don't know if a deleted page was a redirect (this isn't possible), but we still expose them so that admins can have a link to it and find out for themselves. That's the best answer I can give.

We could add a message, "Deleted pages may or may not have been redirects". How does that sound? That way there is at least a disclaimer.

MusikAnimal, I'm afriad your reply over there is not answering my question. I was asking to fix the problem. However, what your answer is "see if a page was a redirect before it was deleted".
I was asking to fix the problem which redirect pages appeared on the pages created. It confused Wikipedian to culculate the contributions.

Okay, sorry if I misunderstood you!

To be clear, there's no way to know if a deleted page was a redirect. We still want to list the deleted pages, whether or not we're asking for redirects, because those deleted pages might be redirects. As I said we can add a disclaimer, though. That will hopefully help with confusion.

If you want to hide redirects altogether, use the "Exclude redirects" option:
This will still list deleted pages, which might be deleted redirects, but again this is intentional because there's no way to know if the deleted page was a redirect.

There's also the option to "Exclude deleted pages" if that helps?

If I'm missing something, please let me know. Thanks!

Thank you very much about that.No more questions or problems here.
To be turth, I feel a little bit upset about that. But since that clinches it, I could only continue to count my contributions.
Have a good day.

Yeah I wish we could tell if deleted pages were redirects! This is not possible because XTools cannot see the content of deleted pages (only admins can).

So anyway I will add a disclaimer so that people at least know this issue exists.

Sorry we can't do more!

MusikAnimal renamed this task from Redirect Pages Deleted Appears In Pages Created to [Pages Created] Add disclaimer that deleted pages may include redirects.Aug 17 2018, 3:15 PM
MusikAnimal triaged this task as Medium priority.
MusikAnimal updated the task description. (Show Details)
MusikAnimal set the point value for this task to 1.
MusikAnimal moved this task from Pending deployment to Complete on the XTools board.