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subpages should not display the full qualified page name
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: dev

When I use subpages, this is mostly because I have a deep structure. For example, I have
Tutorials > Programming Tutorials > C Programming Tutorial > How to simulate a keypress.
In my opinion, the page title should not appear "fully qualified". It is too long and confuses the reader. You already get the complete path twice: Once in the URL bar of your browser and once as the subpage-navigation-links.

Please only show the page title without the path-prefix if subpages are activated.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 10:36 PM
bzimport added a project: MediaWiki-Parser.
bzimport set Reference to bz18759.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST). wrote:

Page titles are supposed to be copy-and-paste-able functional wikilinks. If the page [[Foo/bar/baz]] displayed as "Baz", then copying it would obviously *not* make a functional link to the page; it would of course link to [[Baz]] instead. Not A Nice Thought.

Comment #1 has it right, marking WONTFIX.

Page titles are supposed to be fully qualified. Displaytitle also works if you want to change them.