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Empty labvirt1010 and 1011 before their leases expire
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To quote T209616:

Please note that 2 of these hosts are replacing labvirt1010 and labvirt1011, which are due back to Farnam in December 2018.

Projects using those servers are:

collection-alt-renderer        1 VM in project
contintcloud                         2 VMS on affected hosts
deployment-prep                 7 VMs on affected hosts
dumps                                   5 VMs in project
extdist                                   3 VMs in project
glampipe                               1 VM in project
google-api-proxy                  1 VM in project
hound                                    2 VMs
integration                            2 VMs on affected hosts
lizenzhinweisgenerator        1 VM
osmit                                      3 VMs
pagemigration                       2 VMs
paws                                       1 VM
petscan                                   2 VMs
project-proxy                         1 VM on affected hosts
rcm                                          5 VMs
shiny-r                                     2 VMs
social-tools                             4 VMs
thumbor                                  3 VMs    
tools                                        28 VMs on affected hosts
utrs                                          2 VMs
video                                       6 VMs
wikidata-dev                           7 VMs
wikidata-federation               4 VMs      
wikifactmine                           4 VMs

Numbers listed are the number of VMs in the project total, except where noted

Event Timeline

Change 473828 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew Bogott; owner: Andrew Bogott):
[operations/puppet@production] nova: depool labvirt1010 and 1011

Change 473828 merged by Andrew Bogott:
[operations/puppet@production] nova: depool labvirt1010 and 1011

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-11-29T10:16:28Z] <arturo> T209626 icinga downtime labvirt1011 for 1 month to avoid bogus pages

This is done. Decom task is T210735