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Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBUnexpectedError from line 3692 of "Database.php"
Open, Needs TriagePublic


MediaWiki 1.31+

Delete old revisions

[W0giZtMa0h6BH0P7VN1VMwAAAAA] /a/%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%B4%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A8%E0%B8%A9:MaintenanceShell Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBUnexpectedError from line 3692 of /home/bondinth/domains/ DeleteOldRevisions::doDelete: Implicit transaction already active (from Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::query (LCStoreDB::get)).


#0 /../w/maintenance/Maintenance.php(1337): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->begin(string)
#1 /../w/maintenance/deleteOldRevisions.php(48): Maintenance->beginTransaction(Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqli, string)
#2 /../w/maintenance/deleteOldRevisions.php(42): DeleteOldRevisions->doDelete(boolean, array)
#3 /../w/extensions/MaintenanceShell/includes/SpecialMaintenanceShell.php(161): DeleteOldRevisions->execute()
#4 /../w/extensions/MaintenanceShell/includes/SpecialMaintenanceShell.php(96): SpecialMaintenanceShell->mainshellExec(string, string)
#5 /../w/includes/htmlform/HTMLForm.php(660): SpecialMaintenanceShell->onSubmit(array, HTMLForm)
#6 /../w/includes/htmlform/HTMLForm.php(552): HTMLForm->trySubmit()
#7 /../w/includes/htmlform/HTMLForm.php(567): HTMLForm->tryAuthorizedSubmit()
#8 /../w/includes/specialpage/FormSpecialPage.php(155): HTMLForm->show()
#9 /../w/extensions/MaintenanceShell/includes/SpecialMaintenanceShell.php(21): FormSpecialPage->execute(NULL)
#10 /../w/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php(522): SpecialMaintenanceShell->execute(NULL)
#11 /../w/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(568): SpecialPage->run(NULL)
#12 /../w/includes/MediaWiki.php(288): SpecialPageFactory::executePath(Title, RequestContext)
#13 /../w/includes/MediaWiki.php(861): MediaWiki->performRequest()
#14 /../w/includes/MediaWiki.php(524): MediaWiki->main()
#15 /../w/index.php(42): MediaWiki->run()
#16 {main}

Reported twice here and there.

Event Timeline

Kghbln added a subscriber: Krinkle.

@Krinkle I believe you were the last one doing some maintenance. I am not sure if you are still involved with this extension. Anyways, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Kghbln updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kghbln updated the task description. (Show Details)

Yeah, I used this extension for a short while on a third-party wiki I used to operate. However, that time has passed, and I no longer plan to maintain it. It was already seemingly unmaintained before I picked it up, so don't feel ownership over it, so I'm fine with it being picked up by someone else and/or be archived/cleaned up if there's no-one to take it over.

@Kghbln: The page also lists as an author, but if you cannot reach them the extension status should probably be set to unmaintained?

@Aklapper Well Frantik has not been active for a while. Since Krinkel still is and he was the most recent programmer working on this extension I figured it may be good to ask him first. Anyways, yes since he now said that he will not longer maintain this extension changing the status is indeed advisable. I will try to contact Frantik but I will not do it frantically. ;)