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add easier export with attribution
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When I right click an image in media viewer it shows a reminder that attribution is required. However when I need to copy a large number of images to my file copying them one by one is unproductive.

I propose to have the ability to bookmark images and export a set of images into a .doc or .pdf file with attribution, where I can select how many images are included per page. Also export as a .zip where attribution is either in exif metadata or in .png.txt file in the same directory as the image.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Aklapper removed a subscriber: MediaViewer.

I propose to have the ability to bookmark images

You are free to use MediaWiki's Watchlist functionality or your web browser's bookmark functionality.

and export a set of images into a .doc or .pdf file with attribution,

This is out of scope for the MultimediaViewer code base itself. MultimediaViewer is a tool to view image files / display thumbnails. It is not a mass-download tool.
You can create Categories on Commons and then use "Download as PDF" in the side bar - that will not display the license or author but that might be worth a feature request for the PDF download functionality.

where I can select how many images are included per page. Also export as a .zip where attribution is either in exif metadata or in .png.txt file in the same directory as the image.

Hello @Aklapper and thank you for your assessment.

However media viewer has a button 'show me how' for showing how to attribute. It also has the button to download the image file. I am not sure why not combine these two functionalities,

If I want to use the images for my custom layout (calendar, homework, print out to put on a wall) and not the PDF, I do not have the capacity to attribute correctly.

This declining of this task leaves me incapacitated and decreases usability (and usefullness) of Commons for the lay user.

I would like to urge you to re-open this task.

You are free to use or develop tools for your use case. This is out of scope for MultimediaViewer as I explained above.