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keep history of copied images
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When I right click an image in media viewer it shows a reminder that attribution is required. However when I need to copy a large number of images to my file copying them one by one is unproductive.

I propose to keep a history of images which I right clicked, so that I can copy-paste it into 'credits' section of my document after I have completed my work.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Aklapper removed a subscriber: MediaViewer.

This is out of scope for the MultimediaViewer code base itself. MultimediaViewer is a tool to view image files / display thumbnails. It is not a tool to maintain citations used in your external work.
See for available options.

Thanks, I guess for multiple images the gadget could export to bibtex or similar. I will follow it up with them.