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Remove spam from noongarwp wiki
Closed, DeclinedPublic


The wiki at got attacked by spambots. It's since been made read-only, but the spam still needs to be purged.

@Gnangarra said:

Basically every edit since 1 Sep 2015 can be deleted with confidence, looking at the histories of the key users the last edit any of us did was 25 August I doubt there will be anything of importance lost with such a move and it'll probably be before the spam bots found us

The wiki will then stay as read-only, and be moved to .

Event Timeline

After discussion at WikiCon 2023 Brisbane today, it's been decide to archive the databases and files of these two wikis (np and nys), and to not try to get them functioning again at this late stage.

The backups are stored by WMAU and can be retrieved on request (they've got user passwords etc. in them so need to be sanitised if they're to be made public).