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Delete tool 'prometheus'
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It seems the tool 'prometheus' is currently unused.

I couldn't find a task to create it and/or any place that seems to depend on it.

Proposing it be removed for the sake of avoiding it getting confused with any other Prometheus-related infrastructure.

tools.prometheus@tools-bastion-03:~$ tree
├── logs

1 directory, 1 file
tools.prometheus@tools-bastion-03:~$ webservice status
Your webservice is not running
tools.prometheus@tools-bastion-03:~$ qstat

$ curl -s -I -X GET | grep HTTP
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

CC @yuvipanda

Event Timeline

I'm not sure that I see how the existence of a tool with this name causes problems. We definitely did have problems when the Prometheus Debian package's default runtime user collided with an existing LDAP user account with the same name, but the "tools." prefix for tool names keeps this tool from having the same problem.

I'm assuming this is more about human confusion than actual conflicts

It's not causing any problems but I couldn't find a reason for it to exist so, with my janitor hat on, I'm asking if it can be removed.

We will need to figure out T170355: Figure out process for deleting an unused tool to really do anything here. In the "janitor hat" mode there are a lot of tool accounts that are no longer desired by their creators. Cleaning up all of the things that are created to support a new tool is the tricky part. I do not think that this is an intractable problem, but it is complex.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2021-12-23T21:41:16Z] <bd808> Marked tool prometheus for deletion (T211972)

bd808 changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Dec 23 2021, 9:41 PM
bd808 claimed this task.