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Fix wikidata description editing for all wikis where the language code doesn't match the domain (for example, Alemannic)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Utilize action=query&format=json&meta=siteinfo to get the correct language code

For example for zh-yue:

Returns yue for query.general.lang in the response

Returns lzh

This would replace the mapping dictionary in WikidataDescriptionEditingController

See T212633 for the bug reported on Android

Testing criteria:

Wikidata description editing should work as expected for all languages, with specific attention paid to`zh-yue`, zh-classical, zh-min-nan, gsw, and any other language whose wikidata description language code doesn't match the domain

Also test places geography lookup (when you search for an article in any language and tap on the article, it should move the map to the correct location). Consolidated some Wikidata code along with this change that could affect that lookup.

Event Timeline

JoeWalsh renamed this task from Utilize action=query&format=json&meta=siteinfo for edited wikidata description language codes to Fix wikidata description editing for all wikis where the language code doesn't match the domain (for example, Alemannic).Jan 8 2019, 12:27 PM
JoeWalsh claimed this task.
JoeWalsh triaged this task as Medium priority.
JoeWalsh updated the task description. (Show Details)