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When focus in is "Other/additional reasons" text field on "Delete" page, pressing Enter instead activates "Reason" dropdown field above
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Not for the first time, needless JavaScript "enhancements" have damaged Wiktionary by breaking standard operating-system UI behaviour. (This is particularly painful for those with disabilities and special accessibility requirements, heavy keyboard use, etc.) PLEASE don't mess with standard UI elements like this.

To reproduce the bug:

  1. On English Wiktionary, as an admin, choose to delete a page.
  2. Focus the text box labelled "Other/additional reason" (by clicking or tabbing).
  3. Press Enter.

Expected behaviour: I am in a form's text box, so Enter should submit the form.

Actual behaviour: the "Reason" dropdown list drops down. (Truly bizarre: I have never before seen a UI where you could drop down a list using the keyboard when the list wasn't even focused!)

Event Timeline

Equinox renamed this task from Wiktionary "Delete" page does not obey UI norms to Wiktionary "Delete" page handles Enter keypress wrongly.Jan 11 2019, 3:37 PM

Hi @Equinox, thanks for taking the time to report this and welcome to Wikimedia Phabricator.

Unfortuantely software mistakes can happen. Confirming the problem on with Firefox 64.
Removing All-and-every-Wiktionary tag as the problem is not Wiktionary specific.

Aklapper renamed this task from Wiktionary "Delete" page handles Enter keypress wrongly to When focus in is "Other/additional reasons" text field on "Delete" page, pressing Enter instead activates "Reason" dropdown field above.Jan 11 2019, 3:56 PM

Yes, good catch! I'm merging this task into T213544 by closing it as a duplicate.