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ULS causes JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.offset() requires a valid DOM element
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to reproduce:

  • Load
  • Click into Search MediaWiki input field. --> A keyboard symbol with a triangle is visible.
  • Click on the symbol. --> A dialog comes.
  • Click on the gear wheel symbol. --> A further dialog comes.

In the JavaScript console occurs the following warning message:

JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.offset() requires a valid DOM element

The reason for this warning is the code:$354-358

if ( $( '.uls-settings-trigger' ).offset().left > $( window ).width() / 2 ) {
	uls.$menu.removeClass( 'selector-left' ).addClass( 'selector-right' );
} else {
	uls.$menu.removeClass( 'selector-right' ).addClass( 'selector-left' );

The code exist since rEULS86c636fd0acb.

The class uls-settings-trigger does not exist in this situation:

$( '.uls-settings-trigger' ).length
// 0

jQuery migrate triggers the warning when .offset() is called on an empty list of jQuery elements.