Gentlemen, can we get some consensus on distributing large files?
$ find -type f|fgrep -v /.svn|xargs du|sort -nr
2112 ./js2/mwEmbed/example_usage/media/sample_fish.ogg
845 ./skins/common/images/mediawiki-largesquare.xcf
661 ./skins/common/images/mediawiki-large.xcf
548 ./js2/mwEmbed/example_usage/media/sample_jellyfish.ogg
E.g., aren't the .xcf's something that Gimp aficionados could download
on their own? And then there's the blockbuster .ogg's.
Can't the basic MediaWiki stay slim and trim, and any extras be separately
downloadable for those that need them, or put into an extension?
Perhaps we can say "are they needed in daily operation?"
"Would it make more sense/be more efficient if they were available separately for those who are interested?"
Version: 1.16.x
Severity: enhancement